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Murder in the Library: Dee Zaster

Name: Dee Zaster

Role on Camps: Head Housekeeper

Connection to the Librarian: Tidying Up the Library (and the librarian's office)

Background Information: Dee is a lean, mean, cleaning machine - and she always keeps the library sparking! There is something so wholesome about Dee. She's so friendly, chipper, welcoming, and always knows how to get those stains out of the carpeting. Come to think of it, she knew exactly how to get that blood stain out last week when that student got a wicked paper cut... and the stairs have seemed a bit slippery (something about a new cleaning product that's gives a great shine). Now if only the librarians could keep their offices clean.

Find Dee's Clue: Solve the Mezzanine Balcony Puzzle to Access the Clue